I don’t know what I would do if I had to take a day off. This is Saturday and once I get this written I will be off on some project or other here at the ranch where something is always calling help. Help to finish the firewood, to get the winter damage cleaned up, fix the trail up, all that. The good part of that is that I no longer have great anxiety over it. I just find it rewarding to be busy.
It came up in Bible Guys today, “What would you do if you only had one week to live?” A very telling question this one. I’ve been through this more times then I can remember with my cancer hobby always looming. Something to think about.
And I want to catch up on Annie’s quotes. Can we do two again? That would do it. Here is Day 15: “Ultreya et Suseia!” Annie writes that these are Latin words used primarily on the Camino. It is ancient graffiti coming down to us from far away in time.
It’s purpose is to urge us on, to keep going on our Camino. Very cool I would say to get this from our forebears.
Then to get us totally up to speed there is this quote for Day 16: “Let me seek, then, the gift of silence, and poverty, and solitude where everything I touch is turned into a prayer, the wind in the trees is my prayer, for God is all in all.” Thomas Merton
Oh, how totally lovely. This could really be every day but I am thinking how well this fits with the earlier question about how would you spend your final week? This seems like a plan here to me at the moment. We should have that kind of peace to just be and be in touch with God so intimately.
Yea, it is classic gray sky overhead here at Raven Ranch. Time for lunch and then a few precious hours of being outside. Ivette our old friend is here and Cathy and Tim and another couple are coming later today. We are all havin dinner out and a concert here locally.
Later loves, Felipé.
Dear Felipe,
Can I do 2 comments in one? 🙂 Congrats on the talk! We talked when you were in France, so I would love to hear how you see it a year down the road…
And for today’s post, the question is a good one… It is a blessing in fact to know that you have a week to live and then leave…most humans only have the present second and will be gone at the next with no chances to sort the stuff and do anything from the bucket list… This is a great reminder for me to be honest…
Again, I feel the urge to share some words from John O’Donohue… these words were said just a couple years before he passed away at age 52…
Lasting Loves,
“… If my own death were to occur tomorrow, what would be the peaks of my existence? The faces of my beloved, and of others I love and those who love me. The dark valleys of devastation; the mountains; the ocean; the numinous music of words; the endless festival of the senses; the excitement and beauty of woman; the joy of music; memories of hard but satisfying days of work on the bog, in the meadows, building walls; conversations that still sing in the mind; the harp cello of the Irish language; the Eucharist, and the celebration of the body in love; being listened to when words were frail and suffering was sore; the return of the swallows to the shed; my uncle’s companionship; my father’s mystical sense; and my mother’s love and trust in my being.” ~John O’Donohue, interview about death in the Sunday Tribune on Christmas Day, 2005 – “Walking on the pastures of wonder”
Cris ~ thanks for taking the time to check in with us. And the quote from JOD is right on. Maybe put that on today’s post. I keep forgetting that he was so terribly young at 52. I’ve had another whole lifetime on top of that. And the talk, I had two people come up to me at Mass and say thank you for the talk. I hope to talk to you about it when we get together. Take care for now, Felipé.x
Love this and love you too! Kiss and hugs to you and Rebecca! A good reminder to live each day fully! Some days I do but some days I don’t!
Carol ~ Hi! So good to hear from you. Hope you are having a great spring! Felipé.x
I love that this Merton quote would have first come to you while you were trailblazing Phil’s Camino, which is one of those ‘thin spaces’ where the veil is pulled back at the divine is close at hand. Phil’s Camino is a prayer, it is a gift of silence and simplicity, where ‘the wind in the trees is [our] prayer, for God is all in all.”
C ~ Don’t you love Merton? That is a great quote. Sometimes I take my trail for granted but people coming never do. Everything is fresh and the jungle is exotic to them. So, I enjoy their enjoyment. Felipé.x