Sort of like a request for “a table for two please” at your favorite restaurant. You know everything with work out in the end. We are here to buoy each other up and that is what we are up to today.
These days My Rebecca is plagued with sciatica pain. It has been going on for a while and it comes and goes like some middle school bully thinking he owns the place. She tries various things and nothing seems to work in the long run. I am asking you now to please focus your energy and use your connections to work on her well being. Thanks, that means a lot.
And two, our Caminoheads England Bureau Chief, Karen Kelly who lives in Cambridge needs you too. She is going in for surgery on Wednesday and would like your prayers and energy. I am asking her to hold steadfast even with the storm howling around her. Ask for healing and peace for her please.
As Cris reminds us we are a neighborhood here at Caminoheads and we need to be aware of each other. That is both tracking our victories and keeping track of our needs as we walk along. But I am preaching to the choir (does that translate?). We know this already but now just a reminder.
I got some confusion cleared up yesterday about my scheduling at the Treatment Center and I don’t have to make an appearance this week. Next week I have a long day on Wednesday for a scan and an appointment. But for now I am free. Alperfect.
Off to spend my daily hour weeding and then to the shop to work on the church cabinet that needs to get finished. Yea, here we go loves, Felipé.
Thank you, Filipe, for sharing these needs with us. I will be including them in my conversation with the creator which I am trying to do in Spanish as a learning reinforcement. Therefore it is always in present tense as I don’t know past or future yet. But isn’t that the way we should think with needs?
Also He knows our hearts even when our words are sloppy, right?
Ronaldo ~ great to hear of all your Spanish adventures. We are living a certain joy through you and Ann now. Alperfect, Felipé.
Prayers going strong for Rebecca and Karen. 🙏🙏🙏
Hello Terri ~ nice to hear from you and thank you. Still remembering with a smile our visit to your neck of the woods. Hello to everyone, Felipé.x
Dear Felipe,
I am continuously amazed as how our lives, when we look it closer, gravitate on the same needs, and when we pay close attention too, what keeps us going is the presence of the others and this sense of belonging…
I was telling this to my priest friend a couple days ago… I had complained to him in the past to stop praying, arguing that prayers didn’t help… just to find myself accepting that the only reasonable answer to have me showing up to life and keep all the balls still on the air everyday, are probably his and others prayers… And I say that because in fact, prayers are these good wishes, this trust and hope that not only us put on something, but others do for us, and that is what makes it powerful… And indeed our neighborhood is such an example of this: we exist because we are in the mind and hearts of the others, we are empowered because of that and we are changed by what the others wish for us, and any of us can come here and ask for prayers “for two” and all I can imagine is a huge package of shining stars traveling to Vashon Island and Cambridge from different corners of the world…
Thank-you-for-changing-me love,
Cris ~ it is our good fortune to be included in this flow of pilgrims or this cloud of believers. I don’t know where we would be without that. Bless you, Felipé.x
Lifting up Rebecca and Karen. Shared life and prayer.