I’m up early to take a shower and get prepared to be off to church, St Mary Star of the Sea, with a carload of our crew. A prayer of thankfulness is in order for all the blessings that have come down on me/on us. Also today is My Rebecca’s birthday so a prayer there for her.
Yesterday was another great day. There was another showing and another Q and A with the audience. Our film is in a group of films, all short docs and they are shown together. So, part of the fun is hanging with another folks from those other films. I have already talked about Pat from “These C*cksucking Tears, a gay country singer. We remember him from earlier blogs and other festivals. One of the new film subjects in our lives is a twenty four year old black man who is a yoyo master from the film “Throw”. I don’t know where to start to describe him but he is a force, a very strong spirit. All three of us, Pat, Coffin and myself showed in the group called “Characters With Characters”.
We also were able to view, “Chicken People”, the story of the quest by poultry raisers to produce the perfect fowl. There was “Pickle”, the story of a couple that took pets rescue to a new level. We also saw “The C Word”, the story of the work of neuroscientist Dr David Servan-Schreiber, himself diagnosed with brain cancer. Today after Mass we are off to “Year By The Sea” a feature length narrative with With Karen Allen of “Raider’s of the Lost Ark” fame.
We had a wonderful dinner last evening with sixteen of our folks, a couple were unaccounted for, we had eighteen total I think. What an amazing group of people, comprising an amazing set of talents. We toasted our project numerous times!
So today more to do. I enjoy roaming around beautiful Port Townsend taking in the sights and talking to folks. So, will be back with you tomorrow with another view, good love, Felipe.