The long awaited for day is here. Time to start radiation treatment for the little growie in my skull bone. This adventurous little guy has got to go, the sooner the better. He is way off the reservation.
So there is that. Then Steve-O is visiting this weekend, which means he is staying over night, which means he is using the guest room, which means it has to be cleaned out, which hasn’t happened for the time of Covid. Who knows what is going on in there, some kind of Darwinian stew brewing. Might need Hazmat.
Yea, things are opening up on the isolation scene. Cracks are developing. We have to figure out how to deal with it. Not only that but how do we do it in a better way than before? How are we going to be a better version of ourselves? That is the calling.
I think I will go and make sure I have all my ducks are lined up for the drive to Seattle. Oh, and Zoom later this afternoon with a cancer support group that I momentarily forget the name of.
and Earth Day loves, Felipé.
Good luck today, Phil.
Ryck ~ thanks buddy. Felipé.
Happy Earth Day to you Felipé.
And I wish you every success with todays procedure.
Solvitur Ambulando.
William ~ thanks. I could think of a hundred things I’s rather be doing. Happy Spring. Felipé.
Good luck and have no fear the radioactivity will work.i’ve had tons of the stuff now and next month I think that they are going to begin Total Body Electron Beam Radiotherapy which will have me looking like Kojak minus the lollipop.i had my hair cut yesterday and I reckon I’m not going to need to worry about that for a bit after about mid May the positive bit being the money saving!first, other than self trims, haircut since about December when our second lockdown began.
Kevan ~ you are such a survivor! Hang in there. Felipé.x
Best of luck Phil. My prayers are with you. I also have another nodule that is increasing in size where invasive action may be warranted soon. I am just asking the docs for a summer off from treatment.
Jay ~ keep on buddy. Thanks, Felipé.
❤️ 🌎 🌏 🌍 ❤️ 🚶🏻🚶♀️💙
Sharie ~ Thanks. Hope to see you somewhere down the trail! Felipé.x
Prayers for healing, Phil!
Susan ~ thanks so much and see you soon. Felipé.x