I was talking with Our Jennifer yesterday afternoon about yesterday’s post. And she had some questions about that leading me to the feeling that maybe I wasn’t as clear as I should have been about my idea. Sometimes in my striving to keep my posts short and sweet maybe I don’t explain things well enough. So, let me take another run at what I was working on yesterday.
As the Camino was going on yesterday I was thinking about the pace of walking. Not my walking in particular but just walking in general by anyone anywhere at any time. That speed of motion lends itself to a certain mode of experiencing, a certain headspace. It is an uncluttered space compared to riding a horse or riding a bike or driving a car or being a passenger in an airplane. Although we move through space at a faster rate there are many more details to keep track of and more decisions to be dealt with per minute. Just walking seems a vacation in comparison. But maybe more than that it is a sanctuary in and of itself.
If we discount the idea of racking up mileage in a comparative way with other means of transport and think of it as a gateway to a space then that is what I am talking about. I/we often think of walking as something less because it is slower, less is achieved so to speak. But that is only if we think of it in mileage terms. If we think of it in other ways it becomes something different.
And that is what was on my mind.
So maybe instead of thinking that walking is somehow a step backward it is really a step forward in finding a space where we can work on certain things. A sanctuary where things happen with our thinking, with our spirit. And then when we walk together then it is a space to work in between us. That happens for sure as we Caminohead along.
OK, getting back on the tractor. Need to get some work done early and then cooking and baking this afternoon for My Rebecca’s birthday which is today. Anon, love, Felipe.
Well, I loved both your posts about walking. I completely agree. Yesterday I walked into Fisher Pond via Cove Rd. I kept catching myself thinking, “you don’t have time for this”. What’s that about? Enjoy the walk, the quiet, the great old trees. Remember how this was part of your Camino too- the “training” part. Ahhh, it took a while, but the old brain stopped and I got me some peace (from myself :).
Thanks for keeping the Camino awake in me. See ya on the trail. xo dana
Dana ~ I like your line that you got peace from yourself. Getting out of our own way is sometimes a major challenge. Walk on, Felipe.
There is such a different world to feel when I’m on foot. 15 years ago, when I moved back to my hometown, I chose not to drive through the old neighborhoods my first day, but to gather them back to my heart by walking through them for a few hours. Having just moved back from 4 years in L.A. at that time, this walk gifted me with the quiet respite I had been craving. I agree, walking can be a solace.
Jennifer ~ ah, nice story and a nice memory that you created. More memories await, Felipe.