Yea, Christmas 2015, here we are sports fans! How do we do it year after year, to make it back here to this place? 8:00 AM right now, the family is stirring. I got all the dishes done and the fire in the stove is pumping out heat.
Yea, I know, some Christmas’s are more ragged than others, true. I was in boot camp for the Christmas of 1966 being mentored by Marine Staff Sargent McDonald; that was interesting and attention getting. But somehow we get through the hard ones. Maybe that makes the good ones more sweet, I don’t know.
Thinking of you where you are there, whether good times or bad, north or south of the equator, in or out of trouble, bald or hairy. Just keep walking, things will change, they always do, have you noticed? And the foundation of the whole situation is that God loves us and there is nothing we can do about that. He sent his Son, have you noticed?
You guys are the best, absolutely, love, Don Felipe of Viana.