Made It!

(R Graves)

Oh boy, made it through Friday and my third session. My Rebecca rode shotgun and we maneuvered through the worse traffic I can remember but I got there exactly on time. I don’t know what is going on on our highways and byways. Are more people getting out after being cooped up?

Jim took me for the first two appointments. He had his brand new electric Mini which was fun. Lucky for me his favorite pastry shop is right next to our parking lot. And he is the nicest driver. Must be from Vashon. At one pinch point he got flipped off and I could tell he was upset. I’m not near as nice as Jim and I have never been flipped off, at least not by people I don’t know.

Well, resting up for the moment. Bible Guys tomorrow morning and we are supposed to meet in person. I see how I feel in the morning, I may just Zoom.

Friday loves, Felipé.

8 thoughts on “Made It!”

  1. Yay!!! Friday!!! Happy to hear the week sessions are done! One foot in front of the other… and don’t forget your cardigan!

    Love you! Missssss youuuuuuuu!!!!

    1. Cris ~ Yes, one foot in the door. Isn’t there something about the camel’s nose under the edge of the tent? Yes, we are off to a good start. It is mostly a matter of getting in and out of there. And my cardigan! Felipé.x

  2. Traffic. Ugh. A challenge to any kind of calm and peaceful mind. Ugh.
    Sounds like you’re doing ok though, and I really glad to hear it.
    Most of the world is dying for a corn closeup now. And what the Camilo metaphor might be to accompany it. Well, at least I am. How it grows in fits and starts at first, depends on good ground and prep, on the completely uncontrollable weather…
    Anyway, I’ve for some reason been thinkin of a corn closeup nearly every day say since we tackled the irrigation project. More than idle curiosity I think.
    And the sunset pic is so evocative for me after 28+ years there. But I can’t place it. Westside, down past Thorsen road? What are the structures? It too holds all kinds of metaphors for me.
    But I ramble. Thanks for the post.

    1. Steve-O ~ OK, corn closeup coming right up! Jim was here yesterday weeding with the wheeled hoe and on hands and knees. So it is looking pretty darn good. And the sunset pic was from Lisabeula just down the hill. Felipé.

  3. 6 comments and no one has mentioned the line that made me laugh out loud! The one about how you haven’t been flipped off at least by someone you don’t know! Ha! Love you so, Felipe! <3

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