(photo W Hayes)
Let’s try to take a break from all the fighting. In this time of the pandemic everyone seems to have an axe to grind. Well, not everyone but too many anyway. Seems like it must be a way to gain control or something similar in a time of loss of control. Of course getting right down to it this being in control is largely an illusion. But living with that revelation takes time and getting used to.
Working together is the only way out of this situation. I think we all know that deep down. But we seem to have a long way to go to get this to the level of reality. Talk is one thing but doing is harder. There seems to be a lot of doing to be done.
Praying for ourselves and our family, neighborhood and world seem highly appropriate. We need help. All things begin here with us asking for help.
Keep in touch please. We can and we already know how to buoy each other up. We know how that works. We are veteran pilgrims. We have learned the lessons. We know…
off to walk loves, Felipé.