Our Carol, Handler Carol, just sent out a contact sheet of all the folks converging on Western WA for our Magical Mystery Tour, the Phil’s Camino entourage at the Port Townsend Film Festival. These are my Doctors, Lawyers and Indian Chiefs and we have a critical mass of them coming together. I must remember to breathe.
I am really now so glad that we didn’t get into the Seattle Festival because the whole emphasis switched over to PT. And PT looks like an absolutely great place the have the kind of get together that is shaping up here. This has the feel of the Dubuque festival which was small enough to be personable and workable. It’s going to be a blast!
In a moment is a walk which I need terribly to ground myself. It’s misty and foggy out. The perfect morning to see the mysterious cougar that has been roaming around. The trees are all laden with fruit and there are apples and pears all over the ground. The deer are fat and happy and the cougar is grabbing an occasional one, Wild Kingdom.
Wish you were here with us for the weekend. But I will continue to blog and be reporting on events. All the best, love, Felipe.