The sun is finding it’s way through the morning clouds. Walking later with people coming at the popular Sunday afternoon time. Should be six or seven folks at least I am guessing. Should be a roaring tapas!
There it is the first lawn mower add on TV of the spring. That always meant that my phone would start ringing with people calling to have me do something for them, build this or build that. It was often the case that carpenters would be starving all winter and then one day everyone wants stuff done yesterday. Just saying. And funny the phone just rang but it was some junk call from some other state. Glad I am not starting to read the future.
I had two folks come up to me at Mass today and say how they liked my talk on Thursday evening about the trip last year to Lourdes. And another couple folks saying sorry that they weren’t there. Well, that is all very heartening. I think that I covered some important territory that evening and I am glad that I had the opportunity.
And our night out on the town with Tim and Cathy last night was much appreciated. Thanks guys for getting us out of the house and off to dinner and a concert. We went to see Makana a Hawaiian musician that plays Hawaiian slack key guitar. It was a terrific show and always fun to see something new with cultural import.
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be. When I let go of what I have, I receive what I need. When I feel most destroyed, I am about to grow.” Adapted from Lao Tzu.
The more I look at this the more Camino this appears to me. We took time to let go of our normal lives, we lived out of our backpack to let go of what we had and we did in a number of ways feel destroyed. Perfect really. It is a very close view of the situation and something that appears to me now so real that it has it’s own blisters, sunburn and glow just like we had. Good one.
Off I go. Time for lunch. Miss you’ll loves, Felipé.