The owls woke me up at 4 AM. It seemed like they were right behind the house, maybe a half dozen of them. What a racket and then they woke up the ravens and they were adding their own luny sounds to the song. By the time I got organized to find my IPad to try and record it they had moved off to the Northeast. One of these times I will capture it and you will hear it. More wild kingdom in your future.
Then we were off to Mass, Catherine and I. We got a chance to have coffee with Father David our new parish priest. I got his email address so we can try and get him over to walk. He wants to walk the Camino so we can break him in. After that coffee we went up to town and had another coffee and accompanying doughnut. Well we had to do our tailgate theology routine in the supermarket parking lot.
Then we hosted My Rebecca church folks for a picnic. We had chicken and potato salad and all that good stuff. And some walked the trail with me and others watched Phil’s Camino with Rebecca.
So big day. Time to relax and watch the Mariners. The best to you, love, Felipe.