Good month for this topic, a spooky month. Look I have a definition from the big old paper dictionary:
haunting: adjective – poignant and evocative; difficult to ignore or forget: the melodies were elaborate and of haunting beauty.
Right, so haunting isn’t necessarily negative or positive it is just sticky. It is not necessarily going to make you feel good or bad it is just sticky. We got sticky for sure.
But I have observed that for me the haunting has changed somewhat over time. It has been five years for me since my Camino in Spain. So for a lot of those years I would longe for a memory of a real life physical event. That would be meeting someone, or seeing something or feeling some emotion. But now as my memories fade I longe for more of the general feel of the situation, the Way it was. The Way is was is on my mind now.
I am haunted by the closeness and camaraderie of the “flow of pilgrims”. And of course that is based on hundreds if not thousands of tiny real events that make it up. But only a few of those remain. Now I am more living in the Way of it. I think that is why we veteran pilgrims can relate so well to each other because we all live in that Way still.
Hey battery at 5%. Time for me to sign off. More soon.
we are the Way loves, Felipé.
I am more living in the Way of it.
Being more than doing.
In Being mode more than in Doing Mode..
Mindful intention; patient consideration.
Wisdom and insight from the spiritual core within.
Peace and joy and unhurried assurance that matures from transformational experiences, especially experiences shared with others.
These imperfect echos of your words just seemed to descend upon me when I read this post.
I’d describe it as compelling and, well, a higher level haunting.
Thanks, my friend. It struck a timely, helpful note here.
Steve-O ~ my old friend and companion, how are you? I miss your humor and insights. Can you blog for us next Friday, please? Need your perspectives. Thanks for being here. Felipé.
Phil, What struck me most about this post is probably what you did not intend. It was the comment about last being in Spain, 5 years ago. We should seriously think about going back. I need to go back even if just for a week or two. Thoughts?
Ryck ~ I still have Leon To Samos to make up. Felipé.