Gosh, I am running late and just started writing. But forging ahead as usual. Had a nice visit yesterday from some old friends of My Rebecca’s. That made me happy.
I am thinking about all the thoughts and notions about love from my Bible class uncovered this last Saturday. The chapter was the 4th chapter of First John. All about how love works. It’s about how God loves us and how to return that love and how we need to one one another.
In this blog over the years I have had numerous posts about how the Camino works and how it works in me and in us. And we all know this. We know because we drank of that wine. We may have a hard time explaining what happened there but we know that something significant did happen there.
John goes a long way in explaining these things. This is his blog from the end of the first century AD. He does a nice job. It is as relevant now as it was then. This is one remarkable thing about the Bible, how it stays current. It’s timeless stuff.
John was the last of the Apostles. The only one not to die a martyr’s death. He lived out his days on the Greek Island of Samos, a Roman penal colony. And he wrote these inspired letters for the fledgling church and for us.
Walking here in a few minutes. Time to join the salon of thoughts, ideas and laughs at Phil’s Camino.
salon love, Felipé.