Fun Day At The Old Camino

Pretty out here, come see.
Pretty out here, come see.

Great and fun day today for Sister Joyce was here to “walk” Phil’s Camino. I say “walk” because she drove the riding mower around the trail and we stopped every so often to talk and laugh. Steve, a friend from church was taking some pics of us on the trail. This all revolves around an article that Sister Joyce is writing for Salt magazine.

Then we were joined by Jim And Connie, friends from St. John Vianney’s, to watch the film in our living room. These folks are some of our oldest supporters. It was great to finally get to do a showing for them.

Just want the report that I hung out with “the boys”, my tumors, this AM. Just thought I should be there without expectations or plans, just being there. I am trying to learn something from those guys.

Well, have to run, I volunteered to help out with a church fund raiser that was held today. Kind of a churchy day today all and all. Later, love you, Felipe.

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