Fourth of July


Here we are once again, American Independence Day!  This is a biggie in the States.   Pilgrim Farmer John in his comment yesterday wished us all a Happy Fourth and back to ya PFJ.  Hot here as it should be.  But the real celebrating comes after dark this evening with fireworks shows.  Just hope we don’t burn the place down in our exuberance.

One of the great local traditions here on Vashon is the Around the Island Hydroplane Race.  Hydroplanes are a fusion of a boat with an airplane.  They skip across the surface of the water at high speed and they got their start here in The Seattle area after World War Two.  These here today locally are tiny renditions of the monster boats that are used in the professional races.  But we love them because they are local with local young studly drivers.   That happened very early this morning when the water is at it’s smoothest.  I could hear them from five miles away up here at the ranch on the top of the isle.  So that’ s cool.  (YouTube has video under Vashon hydroplane races)

So, this evening My Rebecca and Jennifer and other friends are going done to the harbor to see the evenings fireworks show.  We’ll have food and drinks and laughs.  Then the local show will last a half hour and is usually spectacular.  I heard the rumor hat this year’s will be better than last because the boys got some better deals on explosives.

Well I have to go and water the corn before I get swept up in the festivities.  Can’t seem to throw enough water at it these hot days.  Hope that there is a random cloud floating over MM and Kelly on the Camino today.  Alright, have to prepare to party.  Hydroplane loves,  Felipe.



4 thoughts on “Fourth of July”

  1. Greetings PFFelipe!

    Our 4th was truly enjoyable, with celebrations before, during and after the Big Day. Got to figure out how to post pix on these comments so I can liven up the verbiage. Which reminds me, I haven’t seen much lately from your (our) Annie. I’ve been bragging her up to my vast (?) circle of friends both for her starring role in 6 Ways to Santiago and her producing role in Phil’s Camino.

    You water people have your hydroplane races and we farmland people have our “tractor pulls”. Everything from kids pedal tractors to monster jet-powered-souped-up-to-the-max custom built “tractors” pull a weighted sled as far as they can down a dirt track until gravity finally wins (and we all know, gravity always wins, in the end). It’s loud, but it’s a hoot.

    And for fireworks, we are about as wet this 4th of July as any I can remember, so setting the place on fire is not an issue, even a little bit. The small towns vie for the most “oohhs and aahhs” so the fireworks can be seen on successive nights to reduce the competition of who gets the most visitors. The local volunteer fire departments are always in charge and it’s one of their big events of the year. It takes several fund raisers during the year to get the money together for the big shows, and, as per small town tradition, they are well attended also.

    I had a long list of those needing prayers at the Prayers of the Faithful segment of Mass this morning. I included you, Amigo, so if you’re feeling particularly blessed today, thank me 🙂

    Semper Fi,

    1. PFJ ~ hi buddy. Annie’s had some comments this last week. Other than that I haven’t heard from her. Mysterious are the ways of women but we already learned that.

      Thanks for all the fireworks and tractor news. We celebrate the Fourth the best way we can, wherever the heck we are, right? Well, I got the race results and Carl Olson won the hydros this year. This feels like Prarie Home Companion.

      Yes, thank you for the prayers and I do feel particularly blessed today. Sometime pray for the rock pile here at Phil’s Camino. People walking pick up a rock each time around and leave some thought, need or intention in each one. There are two thousand rocks there, a lot of them mine but also so many from pilgrims near and far. Sometimes people email me to put a rock on for some specific reason.

      Well, have to go and write the blog post for the day. Hello to your Cathy. Happy Fifth, PFF.

  2. You guys crack me up. I’M RIGHT HERE!!! PFJ, let me know when you figure out how to post pics, I’ve been trying to figure that one out, too 🙂 If I could I would post a pic right now sticking my tongue out at you both, ha ha! You two are never far from me, you are in my daily meditations, my prayers, and I am now tending to my fruits and vegetables just as carefully as you do with your corn 🙂 Gotta love the garden: God in action for sure. How else could we witness a tiny seed grow into something we admire, we enjoy, and ultimately nourish ourselves with. PFJ, I wrote a response to your heartbreaking loss a few days ago. Please find and read and you will know how much you are in my heart. Felipe, I trust you already know that, Egg Man <3 Big love to you both, and to MM, Kelly, and Caminoheads everywhere! Mwwaaaah! -Annie

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