Early morning here before our walk. The sky is gray and uninspiring. Most of the leaves are still green but tints of fall color here and there. The deer are frantically eating trying to put on a little more fat for the winter. They appreciate the cougar being gone I think. What was once a going concern, the corn field sits tired and lonely missing my touch.
We are in transition with summer rapidly disappearing and winter looming on the horizon. Going from salad days to turnip days, going from carefree to careful, going from sun screen to rain jackets. But it is all part of the natural rhythm that ultimately is comforting; you can count on it.
It is fun thinking of our Caminoheads in Australia and Argentina starting to experience spring. They did the hard work of winter and now it is their turn to relax and stretch the kinks out. Angela and her new husband Dave were here recently from Sidney, Australia visiting and walking Phil’s Camino. And another Caminohead, Cris from Buenos Aires is slated to come in October. So we keep in touch with our Southern neighbors.
Global R Us so to speak. Fun to be a stop on the international circuit. Thank you all for keeping in touch with Caminoheads and our effort here in the NW corner of North America.
Off to walk. Need my boots this morning. Miss you, love you, Felipe.
today I’ve been backtracking through 2017 on the blog and it has been a great journey with lots of wisdom and probably should have commented on some of the deeper things that I have made note of – the Pilgrim Beatitudes, the idea that to make an end is to make a beginning (TS Eliot and also P. Volker), ‘spiritual homework’, ‘tramping through the dust and mud of our beloved Spain to get near him and his energy’, Annie and her talk on ‘pilgrimage in place’ (something we both think about loads)…and here I am *actually* stopping to comment on the Mountain Beaver, of course! Oh, jeez.
Catalina ~ great that you are here with us. A lot of random stuff in there for n the blog. The Pilgrim Beatitudes were some of the best in the whole darn five years worth. But I have a special place in my heart for the mountain beaver. Thanks for cruising through memory lane there. Felipé.x