I was outside early this AM and an active little worm was making his way across the cement cobble stones as I hurried over him but he caught my attention. This is similar to the “Why did the newt cross the road?” of a month ago I guess. Sometimes we are very vulnerable in our travels and there is not much to do about it is the story.
I was out on the highway yesterday and at one point was following a landscape truck with a load of rock. It wasn’t a dump truck but a flatbed with a wooden tailgate. The rocks were two man ones and piled up and their weight seemed to provide a certain security as they nestled together. The truck is going at sixty miles per hour and I am traveling at the same speed. All of a sudden the whole vision turned into a physics problem in my mind. What sort of disruption in this funky inertia would cause one of those boulders to wind up in my lap? It seemed like there were a lot of random factors waiting to pounce on the situation. It had an eerie resemblance to my life with cancer.
Needless to say I switched lanes and got ahead of him. I mean if you don’t have to be there then don’t, right? Not that hard. But I guess the general theme of this post today is our vulnerability and the willingness to keep going in spite of it. Damn the torpedoes, the robins, the two man rocks and all that stuff, full speed ahead.
At the hospital and about to get my chemo treatment. Just saw Our Jennifer a minute ago. We haven’t been able to keep the same schedules so I see her here randomly. Any break in the Groundhog Dayness of it all is a good thing though. OK, time to go. Love Phil.
Thank you for the sharing your inspiring thoughts and insights Phil. I spoke with a woman today who shared her feelings with me about cancer being a “gift.” I, in turn, shared Phil’s Camino.com with her. Came down to the TC today to say hi but you were done and headed back to the island. Godspeed in you journey to the heartland and the land of Julian Dubuque!
Thanks so much Bill ~ love your thoughtful comment. Sorry I missed you but I was so antsy after all day there and had to make a break for the fresh air. Yes, when I say something similar to what the lady said I have to preface it with, “I am going to tell you something that may sound strange.” Right? I have found cancer to be a catalyst for change and that could take you in two different directions. Yea, have her read this blog and of course comment. Would love to talk with her. See you soon. Love, Phil.
Hi Phil! Did you see in my recent comment in regards to Phil’ Camino. What to see if you caught my new way of spelling Philm? I love reading your posts when I get I get a chance. I can almost hear you talking. Miss you and say hi to Rebekha for me.
Carol ~ Hi there. I like Philm. Yes, let’s work that in. I don’t always do a good job of keeping up with FB. But how are you? Everything good? Yes, miss our walks. I’m starting to pack for Dubuque, next adventure. Thanking for your friendship, love, Phil.
I know Dubuque will be wonderful. Have a grand time with Pilgrim Farmer John. Will be with you in spirit and thinking of you on my Carol Caminos. I will keep up you via your blogs.