It is supposed to warm up from here on in. There is some moisture coming which might mean snow before this is over. But our new little woodstove is huffing and puffing along keeping us warm.
Turkey soup is in the making. I’ve got the broth made and the fat skimmed. Now comes the fun part. It is pretty easy to spread Thanksgiving out for at least a week with different variations on leftovers. Turkey doesn’t get much attention the rest of the year so we have to do it all in one week I guess.
Maryka came over yesterday with her new husband, Anthony. It was great to see them. And we had time to walk the Camino and shoot some arrows. Well, and we did drink up a bottle of wine and got caught up on happenings too of course.
So, Advent starts tomorrow or actually this evening here at the Saturday Night Vigil Service. There is a lighting of the Christmas manger scene outside to start the season. Wow, here we are. Ready, one, two, three, PANIC! Well, I suppose there is still a little time before that.
Time to get in gear here. Even with the holidays there is stuff to get done around the ranch. Still raking up leaves for instance.
Lighting our loves, Felipé.