Coffee And Sunshine

Our lilacs.
(photo P Volker)

That’s what it looks like this morning, coffee and sunshine. We start planting today, well later today. We have a walk and then some organizing to do to get to the actual planting. And three days of good weather coming up will help out. So we are all ready to get it in gear.

The corn seed is soaking in water to wake it up. Yup, time to get going little guys! This is all the beginning to eventually get to ripe corn in August and the Oasis party. God willing this will all come together.

I am so ready for a good harvest. Last year we had the worst year ever. In response to that a new approach is being tried. I am confident that we will turn this around.

Father David our local priest wants to come and give me the sacrament of Anointing with Oil which is a help to folks in medical trouble. I need that. So maybe while he is here I will flag him down to bless the corn crop. That sounds like a plan.

So a lot of corn in the news. Well, that’s OK with me for one. It seems so substantial and so satisfying.

Time for me to get ready for the morning walk. That is all happening now too. Miss you. That is happening too.

beautiful day in the neighborhood loves, Felipé.

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