Clouds Out Of The North

Some of My Rebecca’s Darlow’s Enigma roses. It’s a great rose.
(photo R Graves)

There is just a hint of clouds up there and they are coming out of the north which is a good sign. Fair weather for us here. Finishing up a little carpentry job today hopefully. And weeding the corn is also on the agenda. Loving it, finally some stable weather.

Have a scan tomorrow I found out. I thought that it was going to be next Wednesday but no. So, an extra trip to the city for this guy. But one thing nice is that my anxiety level is generally under control with these scans as the years go by. That’s good because I won’t hear the results till next Wednesday. That’s more than any normal person could stand.

Speaking of stuff like that, I saw the quote this morning on FaceBook about how telling your story could become someone’s survival guide someday. Doesn’t that ring a bell, seen that quote many times. Funny how that works. Our individual experiences have commonality. So, that is what I am doing here underneath all the fun and games, journaling along about a life with cancer.

Walking in a moment out in this glorious day! Come join me sometime.

fun and games loves, Felipé.

4 thoughts on “Clouds Out Of The North”

  1. I wish I could go to walk with you…😌😌😌

    Miss you! Miss the ranch!! Miss the blackberries!!! Miss the island!!! Miss your neighbors!!!! Miss you all!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Cris ~ wish I could send my people down to pick you up. I know I just want to live at the Veranda too. We will all just have to plan to make though to 2021 I guess. Miss you too, Felipé.x

  2. Hi Phil,
    Best of luck with your scan! My next scan is early July. Cancelled April because of Covid, so I have been sitting with this since January. Still quite a bit of uptake on my last scan but I’m full of Faith that the tumor is shrinking daily. Started second round of chemotherapy Tuesday with a 6 hour infusion. This will continue for the next 6 weeks. Couldn’t walk 1000 feet 6 months ago but doing 3-4 miles per day here at my little Camino with my faithful Golden named “SeaSea”. My goal is to walk with you at your Camino someday and eventually the one leading to St James. I think of you often and my battle with Neuropathy constantly reminds me how blessed I am just to move forward. All the best my friend- Jay

    1. Jay ~ all that sounds familiar, you are doing great, hang in there buddy. Come when you can. Felipé.

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