Catherine y Dana’s Camino #7

Heather in Galacia.
Heather in Galicia


Hello Dear Ones,

We are 115 miles from Santiago. What began as a dream has steadily come to pass. We have days still to walk but not many.

After many days crossing big agricultural country with so many rolling hills of grain and skies that went on and on with endless shows of cumulus and light, we climbed up into the mountains. Suddenly we were surrounded by pink and purple blooming heather as tall as we were. Somedays it seems the birds sing just for us. Tomorrow we climb up again and into the Province of Galacia. The influence of the Celts is large in this landscape. Looks more like the west of Ireland than Spain or so we’re told.

We are starving for real vegetables, tired of eating meat and even though we love the bread – we’ve eaten enough of it for a life time. But these are such small complaints, by the time we find food in the evening we’re grateful for whatever it might be.

Thank you for continuing to hold us in your thoughts and prayers – we feel them especially on the long days.

We send our love,
Catherine & Dana