I remember the first few days on the way out of St Jean Pied de Port we said to each other “Buen Camino” and it felt good like yea, we’re real pilgrims now. But it didn’t take long for the novelty to where off and the aches, pains, blisters, sunburn to start showing up to the point where we were hurting bad, discouraged and maybe laid up for a few days. Getting broken in I suppose is the term. And somehow some way we kept going and then when we looked each other in the eye and said “Buen Camino” it really meant something. Something more like yea, we are still here still doing it.
Somehow, I am feeling that again this morning. I just want to say “Buen Camino!” to you and to myself. This reentry is tough and yes I/we were discouraged but heck look at us, we’re still doing it, right? Our amazing resilience is something that we know. This realization is one of the gifts of the Camino that Lucia was talking about. A gift that we can employ to move forward. So, “Buen Camino!”.
You went from a solitary man walking to regain his health, and in doing so you 1st built a support team on the rock and than a worldwide network. In the process you allowed yourself to shared your deepest sentiments and true spirit with all of us. What a gifts you have given yourself and all of us with you Camino. It has been an honor and a joy to watch this spiritual path grow and extended beyond where you ever dreamed it would go. It gives us all the strength and the power to extent ourselves way beyond our limits and our own reach.
Keep in mind life has it’s cycles and there are lows and highs just as you experienced on the Camino. As I said reentry isn’t always easy and it takes time to blend two different realities together and the process is important. Take your time and savior the experience.
Bless you and everyone you have touched and will continue to touch.
Love Ivette
Thank you, you’re a peach!
Phil, I can feel your confusion while you struggle with your “reentry”. I have not experienced anything like you have, but I can still identify with what you’re going through now. But I didn’t post recently because I didn’t have the words. So Ivette did it for me! She is so right…highs and lows will keep on coming. But the process of working through it is something for you to relish…and in that process, you are giving something important to the rest of us. Thank you, Phil and Ivette.
So glad there is no change in the cancer. Keep enjoying the view from the window where you get treatments.
Thank you Sandy. This is how I process; I wrestle with it. I hear what you are saying that it is all good, you bet. Phil.