Brotherhood (post by our dear BC, Pilgrim Farmer John)

Twins at the Oasis 2021 (Pict by Ryck)

Phil getting welcomed to the Mindframe Theater at the Jukien Dubuque Film Festival. Thank you John Conway for setting up this awesome welcome. (Pict Annie?!)


Two Brave Americans, Phil and Farmer John. Veranda, August 2019

Greetings from the Heartland,

I’m honored to be able to return to the Friday Fill-In role for Phil’s Blog.


My “theme” came easily, as I recalled the oh-so-pleasant events of our recent Oasis. The presentation to our Leader, Felipe, of the Civil War era General’s “cover” (Thank you again and always, Ryck!) was done in a loving and light-hearted manner. But at the heart of it was the fourth “C” in Phil’s self-proclaimed identity. That “C” is Corps. As in, US Marine Corps. This “C” fits well with Catholicism “Strong Faith” and Corn “Sustenance”, while providing a bulwark to the Cancer “Life’s Enemy”. In Phil’s words, it all goes together in there.


That was one of the key elements in the quick mutual attraction between Farmer Felipe and Pilgrim Farmer John. The Corps has very often been described as a “Brotherhood”, notwithstanding the excellent and valuable contribution of the Women Marines, both historically and now. [I have a granddaughter in the third year of her USMC ROTC training, so I know of which I speak!] To discover Felipe and I not only shared the Brotherhood, but did so at the same time, and for a short period at least, unbeknown to either of us, we were in the same place doing it! There is an immediate mutual rapport, knowing without saying that we experienced the same trials. The accomplishments, though seemingly minor, have an outsized effect on how we looked at ourselves then, and still do now. The Few and the Proud, is truly more than an advertising jingle.


So to have an opportunity to briefly revisit that memory-shrouded landscape of our mutual past, and snap a USMC perfect salute to the Man whose leadership is General Worthy, created a vividly sharp image that will remain ingrained with us forever.


The Oasis truly did provide some out-sized, mind-bending, soul-enriching moments for us all. I’m so Blessed that we could all share in it together.


Semper Fidelis,

Pilgrim Farmer John

4 thoughts on “Brotherhood (post by our dear BC, Pilgrim Farmer John)”

  1. Now as I count, and my math is usually pretty good… there are 5C’s!
    – Camino
    – Catholicism
    – Cancer
    – Corn
    – Corps

  2. Well said, Pilgrim Farmer John. And Carol’s note of 5 Cs now in our list I feel that for me the other Cs in the list can have a bonding effect as well. All a little different but all include the common ritual experiences we share if we are on the journey of any of the Cs.
    Take corn for example. There might first be that winter-long contemplation of what seeds to get, how many rows to plant, in what order to plant them. Should we stick to what we know or throw in a few new varieties? One day commitment comes and the orders are made, like deciding to go on a Camino.
    Then obsessing over soil preparation occupies the mind and body. Oh, it’s so much work! Just like basic training or the Pyrenees, up then down then the reward of eat and sleep.
    Then the falling in love with your partners on the journey, you’d do anything for them, right? Even weeding the corn fields.
    And finally realizing that you were destined to have this experience. And it never ends. You want to walk again, be with Corp members again, eat another dozen ears of corn again, have the words of the Rosary pass through your heart and mind on the way to your lips, be healed once again from the Cancer you live with and walk into Santiago again to enJoy that very special moment. That’s the harvest, right?

  3. Well said. A real mouth full. Proud to call both you and Phil amigos as well as fellow Marines. I’ve enjoyed walking Phil’s camino on two different times and dined on his tasty corn. I actually introduced the Camino to Farmer John who immediately went and walked the whole enchilada before I ever made it over the last 100 miles. Semper Fi and Buen Camino!

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