New Year’s Eve today. Time to maybe jump a shark and try to make 2017 a little better last minute. Seemed kind of a ragged year in general. I think we all deserve a new start.
So, My Rebecca is planning the New Year’s meal for tomorrow which will be her traditional Southern pork roast. Along with that comes mashed potatoes, sour kraut and black-eyed peas. Maybe I will make some cornbread to go with it. Yea!
We have a walk this afternoon at 3:30 and then the first one of 2018 at 9:00 in the morning. Come by. I always try and get a really really big rock to put on the pile the first day. That is sort of a jumping the shark move, a preemptive one.
Also wanted to apologize for not getting Christmas cards out, probably the third year in a row now. Not that we don’t like you but just seems impossible anymore to get done. I keep thinking that I would rather have a phone conversation with you really. Maybe we can make that happen.
And hopefully the blog will march on into 2018. It has been such a good thing for me personally and having you be so loyal and reading along has been great. I know it is small potatoes as far as blogs are concerned but it is our small potatoes and that’s what is important. In May it will be four years in operation, pretty amazing. Thanks for sticking with me on this.
New years loves, Felipe.
Wow! Four years! I didn’t know. Good for you. I did Christmas cards for the first time this year in several years. And I think several of them got returned. Will have to see once we get back in CA. Christmas cards might be over-rates. Keeping in touch by any means available is what counts! And I would rather see people than anything else!
Much Love and wishing you all your wishes in 2018!
Carol “The Handler”
Carol ~ Happy New Year to you my fearless Handler. Thanks for the encouraging words. Walking in a minute. Felipe.x
I look forward to my dose of small potatoes every single day. Please keep it up.
Happy New Year!
Thanks Joy ~ will try to keep serving them up! Happy New Year! Felipe.x
Hola, Felipe, and Happy New Year!
I’m a small potatoes guy myself, and partial to black eyed peas and cornbread to boot. Soul Food. Real Food. Makes-you-feel-good-food. Congrats on keeping the ol’ Blog up and chugging along. The small things keep inching their way forward and becoming our big things. We’ll be joining our neighborhood farm families tonight for New Years Eve. That little conclave has been chugging along for over 60 years now, back to when my Cathy was just a little tyke and had to wave good bye to her mom and dad as they drove the quarter mile to the closest neighbor house for the festivities. Same neighbors still there. That’s Community.
We’ll raise a glass of n.a. punch to you tonight (we had our nine courses of cocktails and hors dourves last night 🙂
Peace, Brother,
PFJ ~ Hey, the festivities have begun. Thanks Juan for your friendship. Walking in a minute. Inching forward, PFF. Happy Nwew Year!
Small potatoes and Black-eyed peas are fine for us, my friend!
Tomorrow as you celebrate and walk on Vashon our community walkers will be meeting in our park where we have a track and celebrating four years of Walkers in Newport (WIN). It will be single digit temperatures so we are not likely to spend much time out there, retiring to the church a mile away to enjoy hot chocolate. Our members reported 28,000 miles in 2017! A few of those are mine.
I will be thinking of you and your Rebecca and those walking with you as I walk. Love to you and all the others who make this great Camino family so important to our well-being.
Ron ~ well, small potatoes and black-eyed peas it is then. Thanks for the news about your walking group, very nice. I just got in from my walk. I am going to quote your last sentence, if I remember in tomorrow’s blog, very nice. Happy New Year, Felipe.
I just love potatoes: baked, mashed, boiled, scalloped, fried … you name it.
No small potatoes, my good, dear friend.
2018 will be better— or we’ll be better at dealing with stuff, right?
And we’ll see more of each other. For sure.
You’re better for me than you even were for Sture— and he was given a full, full, happy life at Raven Ranch.
Blessings on us, everyone!
Hey Steve ~ good to hear from you and to hear there are no small potatoes. Yes, we need to get together. Please remember that you are always welcome to bunk here if you have business in the area. Blessings on us, Felipe.
Happy New Year!
Yes Karin, and the same to you. Keep warm, Felipe.x