BLESSED ARE YOU PILGRIM, IF YOU DISCOVER THAT THE CAMINO OPENS YOUR EYES TO WHAT IS NOT SEEN. The Camino is a walk but it is not a walk to just take a walk. It is a walk designed to give you an experience if you are open to it. Let me repeat that, it is a walk designed to give you an experience if you are open to it. It has been going on for 1200 years and all those millions of pilgrims that have walked over that time speak to its power.
Other news Lucia is in Scotland after going on a hike on Mt Aetna, Sicily with a group of Camino vets. I wish that I could cut and paste her description over here. Maybe tomorrow.
Camino Repair and Towing Project #2: starting today and for one week put a bandaid (plaster ) on one of your feet even if you don’t need it just to celebrate healing. And maybe even put it on top of your foot where folks can see it and wear it proudly!
I go by Kelly’s house twice a day on average and I am reminded to wonder how he doing. He has spent the most time of all of us on the trail and must be toughly baked by now. He was scheduled to leave on the 15th. It will be great fun to see him soon.
OK, have to get to work and then to the hospital. Have to get started on my income tax project which is due in nine days. My friend Larry said that he would help me with it. Nice. So, so long for today, Love Phil.