Our thoughts and prayers are with Our Anamaria as she navigates the wide dry plain in August. She sent these two pics to us. The pic of the sunset, gorgeous. And all those trees in one spot, probably three quarters of all the trees for a hundred miles.

Then Anamaria sends this pic entitled, “The decorated feet of a peregrina”. Ah, yes, our stigmata as Mary Margaret used to say. It’s a thing of beauty really, in the sense that the pain is a certain gateway or portal to further understanding. We know that Anamaria is really working it now. We think of you. We pray for you, Our Anamaria and your fellow pilgrims.

We are doing some more filming today for the documentary and it is time to work on that. St. James is afoot, love your blisters and scars, Felipe.
Hola PFFelipe!
I felt completely “at home” on the Mesata, even tho it was July and hotter than Hades. I never once even thought of the word “dull” let alone complained about the monotony of the landscape. Most pilgrims just didn’t know what to look for.
I’ve emailed you something from a good friend headed back to St. James’s Way for her third time. I think you’ll like it.
It’s good knowing you Felipe, Brother,
PFJ ~ welcome back! I get a little squirrelly when you are gone too long. The Meseta had it’s own special charm, didn’t it? I loved all the dry land farming. And thank you so much for Your Jennifer’s words, so right on. I will put it in my blog today. Thanks man, PFF.