Ah, back at the ranch after a quick trip to Seattle for my scan. Somehow I feel at peace right now compared to the usual anxiety that tends to build up at this time. I guess I am thinking about Cris coming tomorrow and that is keeping me occupied. Too busy to worry.
It’s a beautiful afternoon here. The barometer is way up. It is luring me outside even though I got piles of junk here in the living room from the hunting trip. Cris is coming have to straighten up. You know if no one ever came would we ever clean up? It is sort of a deadline.
She is coming in the afternoon tomorrow from Toronto. Somehow the timing is just perfect for me to pick her up after my treatment in Seattle. It is supposed to be a little rainy but then back to nice fall weather. That’s good because I’m going to put her to work while she is here. The trail needs help and the corn field needs more tilling. Then there is Tomatotown.
OK, I just realized that I have a walk in a few minutes. Kelly is coming I think. We were going to harvest any tomatoes that we could still find. Oh, and the Word Series starts tonight! Yike all of a sudden I am busy.
So excited about my new book Pilgrimage about Pope Francis. But that will have to wait for another day. Love you all immensely, Felipe.
Hola Amigo Felipe!
So glad to see you busy and productive! I’ve asked myself many times about whether or not we’d ever get any serious cleaning up done if there wasn’t some deadline with company coming! My email account has “upgraded” itself without my knowledge or consent. It was putting your mail in some new slot that made it virtually disappear. I was almost certain you wouldn’t have stopped writing completely, so I didn’t know what had happened. It was by accident that I discovered where they had been hiding you! Harvest has been hell-bent-for-leather here and there wasn’t much time for reading or writing either. Just wanted you to know I’m still on your team. 🙂
Hey Juan ~good luck with harvest there. I got everything tilled in and need to plant a cover crop yet. Glad you got the communications figured out. Happy Halloween, Felipe.