There seems to be a continual search for a way to express my situation and feelings in short form. A friend or acquaintance asks how I am in passing and it’s good to have a meaningful answer even if not complete. Just something instead of some dumb cliche. Just something the right length so it makes sense with the usual fast moving situation that we face.
Later at tapas we can unfold a more complete explanation. Later we can ask for help. Later we can do a better job on it.
But for now what is it that will fill that gap.
So, recently I have been saying to folks when they ask how am I doing, that I am keeping one step ahead of things. I liked it. It was honest.
And I met a dear man down the road who I don’t see very often. He was a Navy Corpsman in the service and took care of the medical needs of Marines so his stock has always been high with me. But beside that just a nice solid guy in the neighborhood. So, I saw him recently and laid my line on him when he asked how I was doing. And he says back to me sincerely, “And that’s all you need.”
Thanks Doc, you are exactly right and very zen of you while you were at it. He just striped away the implied message that I had in my head that there was something wrong with keeping one step ahead of things. At some point I think we all realize that we are crossing the river of life by jumping from one rock to the next knowing that we could fall in at any moment and yes we are in the present with not a lot of protection and indeed just one step ahead of things.
Alperfect Sunday morn here, love you, Felipe.