So far haven’t seen hide nor hair of a beach yet but still looking. I have a belief that I can get a blog post out from anywhere and under any conditions and I am here with a few minutes in between things at the hotel restaurant. Big windows overlooking pool and golf course. If Mama could only see me now!
Our showing and presentation went awesome yesterday. Probably the best that we have ever given. We fine tune it each time, not that it is always the same. It is always spontaneous for me, for us, and I tend to go where the audience wants to go. I am being there for them and their concerns. So, the richer the group the richer the meeting. And by richer I mean the more folks that are actually involved currently with cancer, patient or caregiver, the more we get into the nitty gritty of it. It is not theoretical for these folks. It is all too real for them and they appreciate what we have to offer the most.
It is extremely rewarding to interact with this kind of audience. They are hungry in a way that reflects their situation. It is beyond politeness or beyond causal interest, it is shared experience stuff that is at play. We got a club going.
Am I spending too much time on my iPad mini, that is what I am asking myself? Last evening I nodded off while working on it and woke up to the phone ring on Messenger and I had called Cris in Buenos Aires in my sleep. Hmmm. Not that talking to Cris is a problem but yike.
Here is some bonus info. Several people have asked me about some of the things that Dr Zucker was talking about on the documentary. As in who was he quoting? Just got this, Irv Yalom, poet. So there, will have to look him up.
God willing I will be back to you tomorrow from the ranch. Just have one more thing to do here at the conference and will be off to the airport.
Safety third loves, Felipé.
Phil, it’s me again, Michelle Murphy, Maureen Renden‘s sister. 🙏🏼 You helped me so much during my bout with cancer, two years ago and it was so great to come and see you at your ranch. I would like to beseech your prayers and guidance again; the Docs have found another little something and will know more in a week.
Hopping under an angel’s wing, Michelle 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Michelle ~ we here at Caminoheads are with you. We will always be with you. There is a 9 AM walk in a moment and I will place a rock on the prayer pile for you dear. please keep us informed, later and love, Felipé.
You are amazing Phil and I appreciate this more than you’ll ever know ! I will definitely keep you posted and send God’s love to you! 🙏🏼✝️🙏🏼
OK Michelle, all good! We are going to stay with you and buoy you up. Felipé.x
Well you are wonderful Phil and thank you so much, you’ll never know how much I appreciate you and your group ! I will let you know when I know something and I hope my news back to you is excellent !!! I’ve got lots of prayers flying around and hope they jump under angels wings !
👼 😇
OK Michele, we are pulling for you. Thanks for being here. Felipé.x