(photo P Volker)
Breaking my fast with a Starbucks Americano. No food or drink forever before my biopsy procedure and now I am celebrating. That wasn’t so bad just time consuming. Now I am waiting on Nugget to collect the vital info and give me his interpretation of the situation.
I am thinking a lot about the film we watched Netflix last evening. It is brand new and free of charge, how can that be? It feature’s Sonia Loren at 86 years old. Entitled The Life Ahead it is directed by her son Edoardo Ponti. All I can say is that she still has it! And it will probably be an award winner. This is your hot tip for the week.
Well, it is something to distract me from this anxiety producing wait for my results. I don’t know what is worse waiting for biopsy results or scan results? And then there are all new Covid restrictions here at the Hospital and Institute. I set off an alarm trying to get to where I was going early this morning. Gee wiz anyway. Adventures in health care.
Well, I guess I miss understood the time required for the biopsy to be processed and it will take a month. So I am going back in four weeks to see Nugget, a vacation!
Listing to port loves, Felipé.
Hope it goes well. I find scans, biopsies, tests are like moments I’m holding my breath. Waiting. Once we know, we can walk on… so sending you very best wishes for this one… love always. k
Karen ~ thanks, you know the feeling. It is going to take a month to learn the results of this one. SUSPENSE! Felipé.x
Dear Phil,
Good to hear the biopsy sample collection piece is done and it was not that bad… at least, healthcare adventurers have done well with finding pain management and less invasive procedures!
Now, as for the results, the tests to be run will be quite a number… the pathologists and biochemists have to do a great job finding and identifying all the biomarkers for these cells so the options for treatment become known… and some of these biomarkers are good at hiding, so we want to make sure these folks in the labs have the time they need to do a good job! Welcome to the waiting time, I will focus on the fact that each day of this waiting time is the a gift of time that will give the labs folks the opportunity to find what we want… (we want a biomarker for which a drug has been identified for 😉 !!!!!)
Isn’t that a wonderful practice for advent? A waiting time for what is to be born..
Take it easy today!
Love you always and every day!
Miss you too!
Cris ~ thank you, that was a very thoughtful and through explanation of the process. I don’t know somehow I got the idea that the test could be run quickly, not true. So, it will be a Christmas gift. I go back on Wednesday December 16th to Nuggetize. Yes, waiting for what is to be born! Miss you, Felipé.x
Can we inaugurate an advent calendar for the biopsy results?… If you do, remember that one of the days there has to be cake for breakfast!!!!!!!!!! 😀 <3
Cris ~ you are just so full of good ideas. May next appointment is on the 16th of December. So, maybe you could help me put that together. Felipé.x
Cris, what a great explanation of the waiting time. I always thought they were backed up in the lab, but now I understand the longer the wait, the more thorough the testing. And a good prayer: find a biomarker for which a drug has been identified. I love your connection to Advent, a time of waiting. Cris, you are wonderful. I’m so glad I got to meet you at the Veranda.
Henriette Anne
Thank you, Henriette! It was wonderful to meet you at the Veranda too, and looking forward to the next one… we are getting good at practicing “waiting”, so sooner than we think, we will be again around the Tapas table and eating the corn.
Hugs to you all!