Monday morning here at the ranch. And it looks like I am a day ahead on my quotes from Annie’s book. We did one yesterday on our day of rest. So, we are wide open here with forty minutes to cover anything we desire.
How about the upcoming Caminoheads Convention. There is a topic that needs some work. I have done very little on organizing this so far. But I did want to get the dates out to the world early and those are the 23rd-26th of August. I have haphazardly told people about it as I run into them but I need to have an offical invitation go out. So, you are all invited but I am behind on doing it in a formal way.
We need you to come if you read this blog, have walked any pilgrimage or want to but haven’t yet. If you you are in anyway interested in the process or traveling with someone who is we need you to show up. It is a get together and we won’t have minute after minute keep you busy activities. But we will have some stuff.
I need to gather up a small group of people to be a steering committee and get this thing started. We have to address all the different aspects of it. So, that is next.
Someone said this is how Woodstock got started in a very innocent way. Yea, a Caminoheads Woodstock. We could get a bunch of hoses and make a bunch of mud for ambience.
Well, that was on my mind, glad we covered it. August seems like lightyears away but it will be here before you know it. It will all work out.
Lightyears-O-Loves, Felipé.
Felipe, I am planning on attending your gathering in August! I know a couple of other far-flung pilgrims who are planning to attend, too! Of course, I will be seeing you in Philadelphia just before that for the event we have with the film. Q calls that the “Phil in Philly” event. I just wanted you to know. Sending love from down south of you-A
Annie ~ yes, of course you are coming to Felipé’s Far Flung Event! I am doing a piss poor job of inviting folks but really all are welcome. Think Spanish Woodstock. Send an email please with the Philly details. We need to coordinate. Later, The Same Felipé.x