From this viewpoint at the very beginning of Monday the week seems like a big blank canvas stretched out ahead of us. We want to make some progress down the trail. That would be good. We know things will come flying at us from various places. It would be good to be nimble and able to dodge some of those and take on the ones worthy of working with. And we need protection from some things that are too big to handle. Getting the week down to bite sized chunks would be a good thing. Will we have enough energy left over to inspire our selves and maybe someone else? Will we be able to use our creativity to come up with ideas that will be helpful that maybe didn’t exist yesterday?
This is what I am thinking about at the moment. Trying not to get overwhelmed by it all. That’s really first on the list, don’t get overwhelmed. So, yea, time to read the blogs from Rich Rohr and Terry Hershey, get recharged. Always good, love, Felipe.
Mi amigo, Felipe,
This absolutely resonates with me as I am approaching the end of a heavy semester, took on a nutty (but lucrative – yay, more Caminos!) and overwhelming education consulting project for, of all things, the US Army and have family obligations and special occasions to squeeze in. I truly believe that I’m doing this upside down: the work stuff should be squeezed in and the family stuff be beautifully overwhelming.
So, thanks for the smack up side the head, Phil. Please keep me in your prayers as I do you and yours.
I’ve got my ticket to Madrid for July 11 and will walk from Portomarin, where Kelly and I ended last year, on to Santiago and will enter the Cathedral through the special door for the Jubilee, the Jubilee of Mercy! I have little doubt that poor Kelly’s serious blisters delayed my entry last year so that I would have to return this year for the last few miles to get my compostela. I have to deliver so many prayers for mercy for my family, friends, colleagues and the world, it could take me a while to get back out of the Cathedral 😉
Camino love to you and Your Rebecca,
Mary Margaret
Who are you? Haha! It has been way, way too long MM. So so glad to hear from you. Glad to hear that you are still in the mix. You will be glad to get out on the old Camino for all the familiar reasons. Did you say Portomarin? What a beautiful place on the water. I could live there, ah, next life.
Thanks for you personal news update. You’re in the Army now huh? Well, you will have to make it up here at some point too. Come for the Port Townsend Film Festival in September. Little town, big heart, good friends, yup.
I hear a noisy owl outside. Maybe I will try and record him, the call of the wild. If I write a prayer will you carry it to St James for me? Love you always, your walking buddy, Felipe.