Every Monday evening I have a phone date with a friend Janet in LA. She practices Qigong energy healing and I am lucky enough to get a treatment every week. Maybe we have been working on this almost a year now.
As I see it these sessions represent chances for me to align myself with the energy of the universe. It is tricky talking about things that I don’t know much about but I don’t know a lot about most things and I manage to muddle through. But the important thing is that we are working at it on a regular basis. And also it is a part of my overall treatment that I haven’t mentioned before.
So, it is amazing that Janet keeps showing up week after week to be with me on this. I feel deeply grateful for her continuing attention. And this practice is part of my overall
quest for overall well being.
So, it is special to have Janet here with me in this way. And I am not sure that I have a good pic of her. Maybe one driving our tractor when she was here last helping out around the ranch. I am not so sure I can dig that up this morning. I will have to ask her for a recent pic maybe from the trip that she took to Yellowstone.
Well, a walk in a few minutes. Looks like the rain has subsided conveniently. Starting to feed the birds again with the feeders along the trail. That is a sure sign of Fall.
for the birds loves, Felipé.