Overall summer is getting a rocky start this year. Must be some bad switch somewhere in the works. Looking out the big window at the treatment center Downtown Seattle is in the distance. And there is St James Cathedral. And there is a seventeen story building going up on the footprint of the old one story McDonald’s. And the sky overtop with it’s fifty shades of gray.
Yesterday we I was telling you that I was realizing our land, our little ten acres is a creation/destruction machine. That is so much like my body these days. My body is that same mixture or has the same dynamic. I am having a hard time finding the words for this right now but seeing this is one of those overarching realizations that seems healthy. One does what he can to keep everything in some sort of balance.
Yea, and back to thinking about the land, I will be back there this afternoon with time to get some things done. I know you are probably bored hearing about this but it is the time of year when there is incredible green growth and most of my energy goes into weeding and mowing. Need a couple of clones to keep up.
So that’s what it looks like from here, it’s alperfect, love Felipe.
Buenas Dias, Pilgrim Farmer Felipe!
I too continuously marvel at what abundance, nay, OVER abundance, Nature cranks out this time of year. My daily bike rides take me over mostly the same roads repeatedly and the green-ness just explodes from day to day. Our corn is now “over-the-fencetops-high and the soybeans will soon have the ground covered between the rows with their foliage. Since I am now a cattle-less cow man, I only watch as the neighbors mow, rake, and bale their fast-growing forages. Even though I have experienced the same metamorphosis for the last 50 or so years, it never ceases to overwhelm my senses. Such an Eden we live in, that it can produce this cornucopia of abundance to provide sustenance for so many with so few of us holding on to the reins. And the weeds are there to remind us that we’re never in complete control and that they will continue to fight and claw for “their space”. Cathy’s farmer Granddad always used to remind me, “The weeds will still be here when we’re long dead and gone”. Good perspective.
Semper Fi,
Pilgrim Farmer John, so good to hear from you! Yea, the whole cornucopia rush. I never realized that the word corn is in that word, interesting. Clawing for their space is appropriate when I think about the growth occurring at the present moment. I swear that I can lay in bed at night and hear stuff growing. The whole thing is like having a tiger by the tail. How is your health? Are you as active? Did you see the Pope’s movie? Say hello to everyone, PFF.