Cris With Orange Blossoms

Felipé smelling the roses, 2014.
(photo K Burke)

The Virus

Have you ever thought what would have happened if the COVID-19 virus would cause us all to see the world more beautiful, or to be kinder, or to fall in love with life, instead of pneumonia…?

I had that thought the past weekend, and this beautiful passage from a book called “Son de mar” written by the Spanish writer Manuel Vicent came to my mind:

“When spring arrived, the orange blossom plague settled down all over the coast. At night this sweet aroma entered all the ins and outs of the houses, filled all kitchens, corridors, bedrooms and closets, entered the intimacy of the drawers and trunks, it impregnated clothing and curtains, it stuck to the walls and also penetrated the soul of the people through the seven or eight holes that the body has, until it completely seized the will. The air becomes sugary , the aroma of the orange blossom becomes more intense as the night progresses and although, with the light of the new day it loses its vigor and finally the sun kills it every morning, during sleep this poison is inoculated in all brains, even in the brains of animals, and nobody can know what happens when people have their five senses asleep and this virus is free. ” *

(I wish you could read it in Spanish, it is absolutely beautiful…)

Have you ever thought that? And before you answer “No”, just think about the Camino-virus…

The Camino did to us something like this passage describes… specially the part where it reads “until it completely seized the will”… Stay with that thought for a couple minutes… didn’t you feel at some point that the Camino-virus took over control of your life at some point? that you realized that you surrendered without having even the chance to fight back?…

Now think about the words “The air becomes sugary…” I say these words out loud and can only think about that feeling of being in love with life that I had while walking, even if my muscles were aching…

And surely if I would ask each of you how is that you got infected with it, you would not be able to tell that… was it transmitted person to person?… was it through the water?… was it through the air?

Where did it land?… was it in our hearts? our minds? our souls? our full bodies?…

Anyway, I was just thinking these random thoughts that I guess started when I listened to someone referring that the COVID-19 virus was this “invisible enemy”… and I thought how interesting it was that one of the things the COVID-19 virus does is to fade away the senses, the smell and the taste… which is the opposite of what the Camino virus provides… our smell improved to smell the roses (or the orange blossoms!) and our taste was refined with the tapas and the wine from the pilgrims menu…

May our senses be never asleep…

Cris at Niagara Falls.
(photo unknown)

Cris, Caminoheads South America Bureau Chief

6 thoughts on “Cris With Orange Blossoms”

  1. Ah yes, all the senses… Using all of them is so refreshing after being encouraged to use only sight and hearing for so many of the daily tasks we are obligated to do.

    I have always had a special feeling about sharing the table with ‘others’ and how effective, without one word of direction, the practice of eating together makes known what we have in common as opposed to the usual focus on our differences. We may hold the fork and knife differently, or not use fork and knife at all (as in the Ethiopian restaurant near SEA airport), but in the end, the food passes into our mouths, we express joy and thankfulness in some way and we all get full eventually – often before the dessert comes into sight, and ‘the air becomes sugary.’

    ¡Ya viene la primavera!

    1. Oh yes!!! Amen to that, Ron!!!
      You are my partner in crime in the development of the Camino Meals philosophy!!!

      This is the passage in Spanish… just for you and Anne!
      “Al llegar la primavera se estableció por toda la costa la peste del azahar. De noche este aroma dulzón se metía por todos los entresijos en las casas, llenaba todas las cocinas, pasillos, alcobas y armarios, se introducía en la intimidad de los cajones y baúles, impregnaba la ropa y las cortinas, quedaba pegado a las paredes y también penetraba en el alma de la gente a través de los siete u ocho orificios que el cuerpo tiene, hasta apoderarse por completo de la voluntad. El aire se vuelve azucarado, el aroma del azahar se hace más intenso a medida que avanza la noche y aunque con la nueva luz del día va perdiendo su vigor y finalmente el sol lo mata cada mañana, durante el sueño este veneno se inocula en todos los cerebros, incluso en el de los animales, y nadie puede saber lo que sucede cuando las personas tienen los cinco sentidos dormidos y este virus está en libertad.” *

      *Son de mar; Manuel Vicent


  2. Thank You Cris for reminding us of one of the many lesson we were exposed to during our moments on the Camino.

    I especially liked your comment “Didn’t you feel at some point that the “Camino Virus”took over control of your Life…….

    The “Camino Virus” like all Viruses come to teach us……..

    So rich was the whole Camino experience……………….

    A Lifetime of memories…………..

    1. You are totally right, William! All the viruses come to teach us… And definitely, it is up to us to take in the experience and make of it amazing memories!

      Warm hugs to the GWN!

  3. So lovely, thank you Cris. I was infected before I took the first steps out of St. Jean. By Roncesvalles my symptoms became acute. I was stricken with a new love for the world and myself and God. I have never fully recovered. Nor do I wish to. I suppose I am a Camino “long hauler.”
    Thank you again, just so lovely. As are you.

    1. Dear Catherine,

      Thank you for reading and commenting! You know I love your way of seeing things and speak about them! <3

      It is true, I remember too I had the first symptoms in St. Jean, while having dinner the night before setting off. In fact, I think I got it when I chose my shell in the Pilgrims office when I got my credential. The credential was a bit anesthetic, more kind of paperwork, but when I got the shell from the box outside, I think my heart skipped a beat, and the whole thing started.

      I had not thought about the immunity that comes after getting the infection… I may need to give it a thought, how it affects our view of the world once we had the Camino virus…

      Lots of love! Love you!!!

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