Come on baby, come to papa!
(photo R Angert)

I am hoping to be lucky with this amazing lotto ticket that Ronaldo bought us for Christmas. This lotto has been going in Spain since something like 1815. Well, I mean it is yearly but that has been going forever. Anyway, it is extremely popular with lots of folks participating all over the world and now Vashon Island too.

The Big Kahuna of prizes is known as “El Gordo”. Then there are numerous lesser prizes. And tickets are divided up in tenths and hundredths so prize money can be divided in tenths and hundredths. It all must get vastly complicated to keep straight.

So, we like it that Ron and Ann have included us in this new to us Spanish craziness. It is a whole new look for me into Spain and it’s people. Always more to learn!

Advent Calendar #18:

Practice JOMO: Joy Of Missing Out, embrace what is in front of you, trusting this is where you are supposed to be, feeling content with disconnecting as a form of self care. Cris

Life and Dreams are leaves of the same book, reading them in order is living, skimming through them is dreaming. Arthur Shopenhauer

feeling lucky loves, Felipé.

2 thoughts on “99442”

  1. Thank you for sharing the El Gordo (the fat one) story with the family. It will be exciting if that number is one of the winners because several other friends have that one as well. Anyway, the profits go to a good cause, a local parish in your case. Last year I think that the local Cancer association sold tickets like this but I wasn’t able to find any this year.
    Good luck, just a few days before the drawing!

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