OK, One Day Behind

Advent Calendar #14:

Have “a smile day”: smile to you in the mirror when you wake up and you are brushing your teeth, smile to every person you meet during the day, or cross with your car in a traffic light, and smile with no reason, as you are doing your things during the day. Cris CSABC

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist. Oscar Wilde

4 thoughts on “OK, One Day Behind”

  1. Oh boy! Can I do this tomorrow? Today I had a grumpy face full long day! Almost midnight here and I have just logged off from work since this morning… 🙁

    And to smile, here is a little joke that my nephew sent me: One book met another book, and exclaims: “You look thinner”, and the other book replies: “Thank you, I got my appendix removed”.

    Smiling loves,

    1. Cris Grumpy Face ~ yes, let’s get with the program! Smile up! And that’s a good joke, very bookish for a little nephew. Felipé.x

  2. Hi Phil,
    Thanks for all the Advent Calendar reflections. They have been meaningful and timely reminders to smile and explore and have courage and look for the good. I’ve been thinking that it is the small moments that bring joy–looking at Christmas lights, errands with my husband, coffee and a cookie, a good book, visits with family and friends. . .

    Thanks so much. Continuing our prayers! God is good and walks with us, always.

    1. Susan ~ hello, thanks for being here with us. Glad you are getting good takeaways. Yes, let’s just keep it as simple as possible this year with all that is going on. Hello to to Curt. Felipé.x

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