Just To Celebrate Where We Are

Flashback pic to our recent camping trip. No corkscrew along so Wiley put two screws in.
(photo W Volker)
Then we pulled out the cork with a visegrips. Always a way!
(photo W Volker)

Yesterday just when the plagues were piling up in a logjam My Rebecca and I decided to celebrate. Seems odd when the whole thing seems to suck. But it seemed perfectly appropriate to celebrate how far we have come. We were exactly right where we were and it seemed like it deserved some recognition to be exactly right there.

On one hand we are laboring with air quality numbers in the 2 and 300’s but on the other hand Steve-O down in Ashland, OR is in the 500’s. Read his comment. Folks loosing there homes. Crazy.

There was a young family on the news yesterday that just lost their home, the second one in two years. What a claim to fame. They were laughing about it. What can you do? They said something haunting though, that it was beginning to feel like the fire was following them. That is spooky.

Our air quality warning here in Seattle is on til noon on Thursday. They are predicting something miraculous is going to happen. At least that‘s what it is feeling like at this point as the shroud of smoke smothers us.

My Rebecca is starting to remind me that her birthday is coming up later this month. She is just making sure that I don’t screw up. But Wiley and I got it covered. Not to worry!

Off later this morning to Seattle and the Institute. It is that magic time to see Nugget again and get OK’ed for another three weeks of clinical trial. Wish me luck for some good numbers.

more smoky loves, Felipé.