It’s late and I haven’t blogged today. What to do? You know by now that I am driven to make this happen everyday. So, I’ll do my best. This is not so much different than being on the Camino and trying make a blog happen in the evening after an exhausting day.
Today was memorable. Kelly, Rick and I put on our long awaited Camino slide show at our church. We had about fifty folks come to hear us and watch the slides. Even Sister Joyce was there. It’s always fun to try and put the Camino into words. Although impossible we are somehow getting closer with each try.
Just want to remind us that there are still pilgrims walking now. I have been keeping in touch with Amita who is close to Leon walking in the wind and rain. She is one tough cookie. Say a little prayer for her. I need to check my phone and see if there is anything new from her. She is such an inspiration. Go girl!
OK, I think that this effort lives up to our not so strict quality standards. Hope that your day is going smoothly. It’s cold here and I find myself longing for the heat of Spain in August. A hot cup of tea will have to suffice for now. Love, Felipe.