Robbi had a comment this morning that got me thinking. It was about how the Camino has been removed from us. This thing that we long for has been snatched away. Well, not the European trail itself. It will last and wait patiently like it always has. But for us to be removed from the closeness, the eternal mixing of the pilgrims is the opposite of the direction we want to go in.
How did we get here? One month we were fine and the next we weren’t. One minute we were hugging to our heart’s content and the next we were staying six feet apart. Never do I remember in my lifetime such a disruption not just in the physical realm but in the realms where our minds and souls reside.
But maybe we are given this obstacle, a challenge really, to explore our own “aloneness”? Maybe we need to walk on in solitude to get the hang of that? Maybe that is our lesson to learn at this point. In some ways it is a bitter pill but maybe there is a need for it.
The Camino as a trail has seen many changes over its life, wars and epidemics and funerals and coronations. It’s popularity has waxed and waned. But we are the ones “on” Camino, “on” pilgrimage whether we are there physically or not. Maybe that is what we need to explore?
more questions than answers loves, Felipé.