I have been fighting the good fight against spam for months now and maybe I will get on top of it with some help. My password is somehow all screwed up and I can’t get to anywhere that can change the situation for me. But hopefully I will be able to get my Apple guy to untangle the mess that I have made.
So yesterday I looked through almost 300 comments that have stacked up over the months to check if any of the spam had gotten in there. And I scanned through and discovered all these great comment that people had written and for whatever reason I hadn’t read them. And therefore I haven’t replied to these great comments. So I am sorry for that because it might have sent the wrong message.
Just want to say that since I have this iPad, home computer and cell phone it doesn’t mean by a long shot that I know what I am doing. In other words I know enough to be dangerous. Please forgive my ineptitude as it may at times send the wrong message.
OK enough of that. To totally change the subject, we had Will and Jasper Forrester over yesterday for dilly dally and dinner. Very fun. So Will, a wonderful artist, had done a portrait of me for a show which is a collection of Vashon mentors (old guys). The drawing is very cool with me in my Camino cap and sunglasses and in the background is a map of the northern Spain. Very cool. Thank you Will for including me.
Alright, have to go walk in the rain. Love you guys, Phil.