We Have A Neighbor

Bodacious yellow flowers seem appropriate this morning.

We have a neighbor that is actively dying. Got that term from My Rebecca’s Threshold Choir. They sing soft songs for people that are actively dying. Anyway, as this goes on next door I pray. Sometimes praying seems a feeble gesture and sometimes it seems a mighty mustard seed capable of who knows what.

Interesting that we are here with this situation on November 1st the Day of the Dead this year. This holy day isn’t something that I grew up with so it all seems a little weird to my sensibilities but maybe this convergence is going to educate me. No coincidences strikes once again.

I told My Rebecca that I wanted to die in the Elk Hotel, our expedition tent. I don’t know how practical that is really but hey it’s my occasion right? Going out like a Civil War General seems appropriate conversing with my Captains about battles won and lost passing on the grit.

Ah, walking in a moment. Good morning to say rosaries. Alperfect once again loves, Felipe.

2 thoughts on “We Have A Neighbor”

  1. Querido Felipe,

    That’s your occasion, indeed! Maybe it is not just going as a Captain, but also as a Pilgrim… passing by, sleeping wherever the night offered…

    Some time ago, I read about an organization that was promoting that group of friends or family meet over dinner to talk about death, their own death… And it was so interesting to hear how the need to sit and talk about that, and express the fears and the wishes, and the love they would like to experience, or the forgiveness they would like to offer, changed what they had always thought would be their preference when passing…

    “All we need is love” loves (and some prayers for your neighbor and the oh-so-generous singers),

    1. Cris ~ you are right that some conversation with those close to us on this death topic would go a long way. It is amazing how we don’t talk about some things. The best to you, Felipé.x

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