Wonderful Guests

As we travel…


Sometimes people can have such bad problems and still have such good outlooks.   They seem to be able to process the situation over time and it takes on a different hue, a different tone.  A context shows up for them.  They see things differently than when they started on that journey.

I had some pilgrims show up yesterday that embodied that to such a degree that it inspired me to the core.  And we don’t have to mention names.   We can deal in ideas and thoughts and inspirations, the tendencies that people have.

Somehow getting a handle on one’s personal suffering or the suffering of someone close seems to be key.  How do we find a context for the things that hurt?  How can we step outside of that hurt to find something vital to our overall being?

This blog post today is largely stream of consciousness.  I am not  thinking so much as relaying.  Sometimes I just have to go with that.

You are the best, thanks for showing up, love, Felipe.