A good omen for sure to have two eagle sightings. This time of year we seem to see more as they are on the move. They are pretty amazing creatures.
Steve was here over night and through most of the day. We did some work on the trail and got a couple of hours of archery in. And all in the sunshine, a glorious day.
Sherie is here tomorrow. I am planning on some trail work and some archery also with her. Feeling more and more about having folks help with the trail work. It their trail too, right?
I am feeling stronger everyday by degrees. Thank you for all the prayers and thoughts my way. I might even be gaining some weight as I am eating everything in sight. Steaks and burgers and ice cream are my favorites as only so many things are appealing.
Well, I am going to go and do some cooking. Trying to have good stuff on hand when I’m hungry. OK, that’s the plan. Cooking up loves, Felipe.
Hola, Amigo!
Steaks and burgers and ice cream! Makes this farmer’s face break out in big smiles! Good eatin’ there, pardner. Keep it up.
On the way to town yesterday, I drive by one of our pig farmers sheds who still does “dry bedding”, i.e. he uses corn stalks to bed down the hogs in their living quarters. He piles up the manure as he cleans the sheds during the winter and lets it compost til it’s time to spread it in the fields before spring planting. His farrowing operation is nearby also, so he will take the little piglets that didn’t make it and put them on the piles too, for additional nutrients. This combo makes for Eagle Heaven! There were between 50 and 75 full size eagles roosting on the piles when I drove by. The dead pigs are “manna from heaven”, and the piles themselves are like a warming blanket on these still frigid mornings. It’s all a perfect nature cycle.
So glad you’re feeling on the mend. I’ve been “released” from the surgeon and turned over to the long term cardiologist, so the rehab will continue as long as it is on the schedule.
Life is Good,
Dear Life is Good ~ glad to hear that you are up and around and driving to town. Will you be participating in planting here soon or are you going to get help? Wow, that sounds like a scene with all those eagles in one spot! We done a good job saving them I guess. OK, great to hear from you. Hello to the fam. Life is Good. Felipe.
Felipe’~ Fly like an Eagle…and you saw Two! Hope to see them mañana. I’ll be there with bells on and…..a surprise! BC, Sherie
Sherie ~ looking forward to seeing you! The coffee is on. Felipe.x