The New Cocktail

Some of us know how to sleep. What a sweet pea.


I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the new batch of side effects to kick in with my new chemo drugs.  My beloved oncologist Dr Gold, callsign “Nugget”, fixed me up with his best chemical shot after my scan showing no real progress with our former main drug.  Drugs only seem to work for a while and the cancer either finds a way around it or the body revolts from all the abuse.

So, that’s the situation as it stands at the moment.  I am just relaxing here on the red leather couch with my second cup of super strength coffee.  Had a rough night of broken sleep which is part of the program for a couple days after treatment.  Had some crazy ass dreams.  Here are the basic themes:  jailbreak, roadkill and hunting out of season.  All pretty rude and crude but somehow I left out cattle rustling and maybe some others.

Well, yesterday I was talking about the Caminoheads blog’s future.  I have to reup the infrastructure for it in April/May for two years.  Should I do that?  If I ask you for help to write some material would you consider that an honor or a chore?  Here we are with a format and a venue to keep the flame going.  Is that something we want to do?  I’m just checking on your feelings, not that anything imminent is happening.

Also here is a plea for funds for the Phil’s Camino documentary.  As you might of heard the new hour long version is close to being done.  A little more editing and the original music needs doing, that’s all.  But that all takes money.  We had great support from our Vashon showing but still we are needing $10,000 by the end of the month.  Annie is out and about in California doing showings of the rough cut of the film to show what we have.  And believe me it is good, My Rebecca and I have seen that and loved it.  I know it is hard to believe that it is better than our beloved 27 minute version but it is.   So, please if you can spare any change go to  and donate what you can.  Check out the way to donate and get a tax deduction.  OK, thanks.

Well, enough for today,  things to do, people to see, coffee to drink.  Love you all intensely and immensely, Felipe.







4 thoughts on “The New Cocktail”

  1. It would be a pure HONOR to write on your blog. Take care of yourself! Keeping you in prayer!

    1. Loretta ~ it would be great to have you on board for this. Will email you and we will work out the details. Hello to everyone, Felipe.x

  2. Say the word, Felipe. I can only hope to write up to your standards. Love you on this beautiful rainy day in Chico. So excited to share your story at the Enloe Medical Center this afternoon. We have a room that seats 100, and when they first approached me, they said, kind of jokingly, they could always expand into the adjoining conference room if need be. Well, the latest count last night was 130 RSVPs. Yes! More folks to see you and Rebecca et al and share your inspiring story. THANK YOU!!!

    1. Annie ~ would love to have you write one day a week. Have to work out the details. Sounds like things are going great guns down at your event! Nice work, Felipe.x

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