Tapas time here after a day of keeping the water running. The temperatures night and day are ridiculously low as in artic blast. It is cold even for what people are used to here.
But enough of that. What was fun today was that the grandfathers were out on the loose without supervision. We had tasks to accomplish but don’t we always. But we got a chance to compare notes from the last few years. I seem to have a lot of notes from the last action packed few years thanks to some of you guys.
I guess this would be a good a time as ever to say thank you to you all for walking with me this last year. A thank you for things that you made me think about. A thanks for things that you made me feel good about. A thanks for having hope and faith in the future. We have another year ahead to play with. Another year in God’s playpen.
Well, time to get back to the party here. My glass is empty for one thing. Take care for now, keep warm, be back soon, Felipe.x
Happy New Year, Felipe!
Gives me joy to see you doing grampa things. Cold here,too, in the heart of the Heartland, but colder weather yet sliding our way on a cold-front roller coaster with the brakes off. We’ll handle it. We always do. AND, I don’t have cattle waterers to worry about this year!
I’m going to be singing our Marine Corps Hymn tomorrow at the funeral of a WW2 Marine in a neighboring parish. Seems our local Deacon Derrick (former Marine himself) has let it be known to the surrounding parishes that “I know an old Marine that will sing The Hymn at funerals”. Not a bad gig, and proud to do it. How about if we old Pilgrims make a pact now that whichever of us goes first, the other sings the Hymn at his funeral. Deal?
Juan ~ that is mighty commendable of you singing for the WW Twoer. Not many of those guys left. As for me singing anything, I really don’t know. Wife sez I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. But that just one person’s opinion. Let me work on this. Felipe.
I can hear the joy in your voice from here… and God’s playpen:), unsupervised grandpa activities, hopefully Ossian is getting all the juice he can from you all being there! Give my congratulations to Tesia and Ramon.
It is very WET and WINDY here the last 2 days, esp. windy tonight. I keep looking out at my greenhouses, hoping they don’t become kites….
Michelle ~ hope your greenhouses survived. Things look intact here at the ranch, just a few branches down. Wishing you a very Happy New Year. Felipe.x
Michelle ~ hope that your greenhouses survived the blow. Things look pretty intact here at the ranch in the light of day. Come by for a walk when you get a chance. Wishing you and your family a big Happy New Year! Felipe.x
Hola Felipe,
Thank you for giving us chances to do all that… Do unsupervised grandpa activities include eating ice cream and cookies as main meal while playing with toys all inside the bed under the blankets? If yes, can I join??
Crazy warm here… we are above 90 F… too bad we cannot share and compensate! It is midnight and my air conditioning is on…
Warm temperature wise hugs
Cris ~ hi! Well, we didn’t quite get that rowdy with our unsupervised time but fun anyway. You are always welcome to join in. 90 F down there, wow I’m jealous, sounds like memories of Spain. Wishing you a very Happy New Year, Felipe.x