Maybe A Correction

One more thing about corn. I know, I know, you are up to your ears. Oh, good pun Felipe. OK but the correction is that the variety of corn that I am so impatiently waiting to ripen is called Sugar Buns and not Honey Buns. Yea, not a big difference but somewhat, just in case you were trying to look it up.

Now that we have that straight let’s get on to what’s next. Yesterday was St Clare day and maybe we are not done talking about her. There are some great paintings of her that artists have done over the ages:

Well, maybe a picture is worth a thousand words.  I have to go, the ranch calls.  The best to you, love, Felipe.



2 thoughts on “Maybe A Correction”

  1. My favorite corn growing up and still is silver queen. Hard to find these days. Tuesday is just around the corner and it is my oldest daughter, Amanda’s birthday.! A great day to celebrate with some home grown corn!

    Your Handler

    1. Dear My Handler ~ good luck with your birthday celebration. I’ll check out Silver Queen. There are hundreds of varieties I guess. I’ll give it the old Google. The best to you, Felipe.x

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