This is the other side of the piece of paper. It is not knowledge that is secret but it was gotten at some sacrifice and is a benefit of taking that less used road.
The Beatitudes of the Pilgrim
1 – Blessed are you pilgrim, if you discover that the “camino” opens your eyes to what is not seen.
2 – Blessed are you pilgrim, if what concerns you most is not to arrive, as to arrive with others.
3 – Blessed are you pilgrim, when you contemplate the “camino” and you discover it is full of names and dawns.
4 – Blessed are you pilgrim, because you have discovered that the authentic “camino” begins when it is completed.
5 – Blessed are you pilgrim, if your knapsack is emptying of things and your heart does not know where to hang up so many feelings and emotions.
6 – Blessed are you pilgrim, if you discover that one step back to help another is more valuable than a hundred forward without seeing what is at your side.
7 – Blessed are you pilgrim, when you don’t have words to give thanks for everything that surprises you at every twist and turn of the way.
8 – Blessed are you pilgrim, if you search for the truth and make of the “camino” a life and of your life a “way”, in search of the one who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
9 – Blessed are you pilgrim if on the way you meet yourself and gift yourself with time, without rushing, so as not to disregard the image in your heart.
10 – Blessed are you pilgrim, if you discover that the “camino” holds a lot of silence; and the silence of prayer; and the prayer of meeting with God who is waiting for you.
OK, there it is. Love, Phil.