Hospitality, What A Concept



My Rebecca’s out of control rose explosion out the kitchen window.

Monday today and regrouping after the weekend.  Well actually it is a four day weekend around here with the Fourth tomorrow.  So maybe it is more like halftime, a lull.  Still trying to play catch up to my weed friends in the corn.  I will be out there in a moment.  Walk at 0900 and then walk at 1600 with a visitor coming then.

Father David had a homily about hospitality yesterday.  He brought up aspects of welcoming that I hadn’t considered before.  Great homily.  Maybe if you had to boil down the Camino into one word that would be a really good candidate.

The word hospitality must come from the same root as hospital.  Maybe I should look that up in the big fat paper dictionary.  Yea, it’s connected to hospital, hospice, hospitable and  hospitaler.  The Knights of St. John, also known as the Knights of Malta are also known as the Knights Hospitaler.  They opened the first hospitals which served pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem way back when.

Hospitality the bigger concept seems to be the opposite of isolation and insulation.  It is opening up rather than boarding up.  It is opening up to God also.  It is becoming part of that “flow of pilgrims” or that “cloud of believers”  or the “communion of saints”.  I think all of those are the same ultimately.

Here is one I am thinking about:  “Walking is a mobile form of waiting.”  Thomas Clark.

So far so good loves, Felipe.



2 thoughts on “Hospitality, What A Concept”

  1. Hola Felipe,
    You made me think on something I heard from Yo Yo Ma, the cello player. He said that every time he plays, he feels the host of a celebration, and he acknowledges that people make the effort to come to see him. So he feels people deserve to be welcomed, even if he may not have the best of the days. And he went further and said that even in a funeral, the person who may be hosting it, receives others saying: “I am glad you came”. Which for him means that we always feel joy for welcoming the other, even when we are going thru a sad moment.

    You are welcome!

    1. Cris ~ yes, that is nice from Yo Yo Ma. Have you seen his film the Music of Strangers? Thanks Cris, always good to hear from you. Felipe.x

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