Back At The Ranch

Today on Phil’s Camino.


Stretched out on the red leather couch at Raven Ranch with an hour to talk with you.  Yesterday I was at the hospital most of the day and then it rained all evening and night.  But it is beautiful right now.  Catherine came to walk with me this morning which I was glad of.  Sometimes the morning walks can be lonely.  She is going to be back here for the FaceTime with Cris in Buenos Aires this afternoon.   This is going to be a good connection I know.

Then at 1130 I have a teleconference with Kathy, a friend from Dubuque, and her friend.  The purpose of that is for me to meet my guardian angel.  I know it sounds way out there but it could open up a lot for me and I am going with it.  There doesn’t seem to be any coincidence anymore.  This is what is on Phil’s Camino today and we are going to make the most of it.  I will try and tell you about it tomorrow.

I put that so matter of factly but am totally nervous on the inside.  Really, could this really happen?  I am blessed that I have all these wonderful friends that want me to learn things.    I feel like I need a boost to get me to the next level and this could be a key component.

Then tonight Catherine has talked me into coming to Mass.  Father David is going to do foot washing and Anointing With Oil.  Foot washing is something that I have participated in before with Father Marc.  I may do it tonight if they need bodies.  People tend to be shy.  Then Anointing with Oil is an official sacrament of the Church which used to be called The Last Rights but now they give it to folks that have medical challenges as well, guys like Felipe.

Oh, I was going to give you a paragraph from Richard Rohr’s Divine Dance:

“I warn you, though, that when your calculating mind moves into place, you’ll hear yourself appraising these profound moments of judgement: “Oh that’s just a coincidence.”  “That’s merely an accident.”  “It just happened.”  Or, “Blast, why did that happen?”  Or even, “I wish I could change it.”  Inside the Trinitarian life, you will begin to enjoy what some physicists now call “quantum entanglement” and what others call synchronicity, coincidence and accident.”

Quantum entanglement love, Felipe.  (hehe!)


4 thoughts on “Back At The Ranch”

  1. I appreciate you sharing what you are learning and HOW you are learning:). Blessings always, Michelle

    1. Michelle ~ I guess I am finally getting my college education. Thanks for your support. Felipe.x

  2. Quantum Entanglement is the alperfect phrase for what we experienced and it keeps spreading, doesn’t it? Love to you and yours during this Easter Triduum, also known as the choir marathon week!
    Mary Margaret

    1. Mary Margaret hi hi ~ yes, the old quantum entanglement! Don’t you love it? I think the next phase is orgasmic quagmire. I’ll put in the right forms, see what we can do. Good Friday, I’m trying not to be too glum here. Have a good one, Felipe.x

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